Sunday, November 3, 2013

4th Nov - Touching up the Band Photo

Today, I touched up my band photo with the Background Eraser Tool. Here is a screenshot of what I did today:
Because of the fact that when using the selection tool in Photoshop to extract pictures, it sometimes leaves a border around the photo, I had to manually remove most of the white pixels around the desired areas of the photo. This is a zoomed-in part that I am working on. Some of the white pixels have been removed, but there are still some. I work with 1px on my eraser tool, because it provides me with the pinpoint accuracy I need. After I am done with the background eraser tool, I will have finished with the front part of my CD cover. Here is what the whole thing looks like now: 
Although when people look at the CD cover, it will only appear as a small line around the picture, this is not what I want as I do not want any white pixels around my picture at all. Next lesson, after I finished with the eraser tool, I will work on making the logo.

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